I wanted to write today considering it is my 1 year anniversary. The anniversary of my prophylactic double mastectomy. The operation that was to save my life, to prevent the high possibility of breast cancer and an operation that should have been just that, 1 operation.

I now have two breasts. Yay!!!
They are:
*Different sizes
*Different shapes
*Scarred to crap
But they're mine - and they represent something so much more than "breasts".
When I woke up from my operation, this time last year, I cried. I was so relieved that it was all over, that it was all going to be okay. I know no one knows what tomorrow will bring, but I never could have foreseen the incredible journey that I was about to go through, along with my amazingly supportive husband, friends and family.
I've had to battle my conscience through every hiccup, when I felt sorry for myself and when I just sobbed for hours, I had to constantly remind myself that there is no "hero" in me, there is no "martyr", I am THE lucky one. What others have to endure and have had to endure, in my family, especially, makes this whole experience seem pretty minute and a complete walk in the park.
There are so many wonderful things in this life, so many things to be thankful for. I'm thankful for all of these operations. I'm thankful for my patient and amazingly skilled surgeon, Mr S, and I'm thankful for all the research that goes into helping prevent, help fight and cure all cancers. My family and I, will always be grateful for that.
My journey still is not over. I am still being monitored and we still have our fingers crossed, but I will never forget how lucky I am and how many stars in the sky shine, for me to be where I am today.
Thanks for reading,
Bex xox