Can you believe how quickly this week has gone?
I’ve realised over time that I actually watch the year go past by observing the light on any given day. I know the light of an afternoon in late November. I know the light of a morning in June. I know the light of a late night on a Saturday in August and I know the light of a Sunday afternoon by the fire in January.
I've spent the morning pottering about the house. With Elena up at a ridiculous hour (again), I have been able to do some washing and a bit of cleaning with the help of almost a whole pot of tea!
As I was pottering I was inspired by some of the little treasures that lie in our house, so I thought I'd take a few pictures and share them with you.
Time seems to be going so quickly at the moment. Our son is 9 weeks old today - Incredible. But even as time is passing us by so quickly, we're so very thankful for our children. They’ve drawn us in to their world and we’re so happy to be there. A world where everything is new and there is only the here and now. A world where love is freely given and expected in return. A world where dirty nappies are no big deal, even when they leak, because all you have to do is clean up and then it’s right back to playtime. It’s a world where everything is taken at face value and everyone is trusted. It’s safe in bed and sleep comes easily (most of the time!). The days are fun filled and full of people who care about only their welfare.
I just hope and pray that Elena will always trust me even though at times (teenage times) she may not always like me. She must know that if she ever has a heart that needs fixing her father and I will be there if she calls. To hold her heart in our hands and take care of it while it heals.
And I also hope and pray that Ben will always trust me even though at times (teenage times) he may not always like me. He must know that if he ever has a heart that needs fixing his father and I will be there if he calls. To hold his heart in our hands and take care of it while it heals.
It is worth everything to me to be a mum. And I tell you the truth when I say that I am no longer afraid of anything that life has for me as long as those two human beings are safe and well.
And, through it all, I have fallen in love with the Daddy of the babies. All over again.
He’s pretty cool.
...I’ll tell you about that another time.
But right now, my babies are sleeping and I am relaxing by letting my thoughts flood my computer screen. I hope you don’t mind. Thank you for letting me do it.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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