I always find myself becoming reflective in this week between Christmas and New Year. The magic of Christmas is fading and the dawn of a new year is upon us...
Where has the time gone?!
I can not believe it is nearly January again!
So how has your 2013 been? I hope that is has been a prosperous and happy year, one to remember, for the good and not the bad.
2013 has been a year of mixed emotions in our family... Some of the most wonderful memories: my son saying "mama" for the first time, my little girl being able to count to 20 and saying her alphabet, my children's first holiday to France, my husband having a prosperous year in his job, the decision of a future move back to Paul's hometown, the making of many wondrous friends, the celebration of my two best friends marriages (they were both amazing!) the remission of two family members, a great start to my husband's catering company, the completion of Hell Runner and my first half marathon, conquering those damn cake pops(!!!) and many, many more...

The year also included some sadder times, my father in law's progressive illness and the loss of a very dear family member. It is the sad times that encourage me to reflect more. Where is my life heading? Am I good mum, wife and friend? What do I need to do next year to help myself and my family grow? How do I show myself to the best of my ability to be a good role model to my children?

I will always count myself so incredibly lucky to have the family and friends that I have. Their love and guidance and support shows no bounds and without them, especially this year, I would have been a much less of a person. So, thank you, all of you.

My only disappointment this year is with my bilateral mastectomy and the events that followed. This means that I will continue, with the help of my family, friends and wonderful consultant, treatment procedures into the middle of next year. I call it a disappointment, but the whole situation has been a blessing, and I should try harder to remember that! (no.1 resolution I think!)
So to you, my blog friend, I wish you the most prosperous, happy, healthy and enjoyable 2014. Cherish everyone and everything. Love yourself and your family. Smile as often as you can, you are amazing!
- .
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
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